Republicans are missing out on a golden opportunity to make meaningful changes to health care in the United States. I originally was not a supporter of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—I wanted to go all in with full national coverage—but I have caved to the inevitable. Since the Supreme Court has upheld the legality of the bill I think it is unwise to keep fighting it so zealously.
We know that our current health care system does not work. Health care is provided to those who can pay. The more you are able to pay, the better your “benefits.” While we have Medicare, Medicaid, and state-provided insurances, these programs is only for the poorest of poor and is mired in bureaucracy and restricted treatment options.
Studies show that when people have access to affordable health care they will be healthier, when they are healthier they are more productive. Productivity creates a thriving economy with less people draining the welfare systems. (Oh, and providing health care in any civilized society might be the humane thing to do.)
Anyway, the argument for health care reform has been made. Both reigning parties presented ideas to fix it and the Democrats/ACA won. (Although it's technically not a leftist idea since it’s modeled after Romneycare… but I digress.) With the implementation on its way there are currently two schools of thought:
1. Obamacare is doomed to be a failure. Doomed. And we must do everything possible to stop it, to sabotage it. It is our obligation to keep things the way they are (as in broken).
2.Those darn Republicans. If this thing fails, it will be because it never stood a chance with the Repubs kicking and screaming the whole way. All of our energy and resources were spent fighting the opposition instead of focusing on the implementation of the ACA.
Surprising to myself, as I have flipped through all the radio stations and all the news articles, I think the second thought has quite a bit of validity. But I want to introduce one school of thought that I have not heard yet and want others to consider:
3. Switch gears, Republicans. The Supreme Court has said it is legal, stop fighting it. Join the Democrats with its implementation. Find solutions within the goals of the ACA to all the faults you are so quick to point out. Make something work for America for a change. We have clearly stated that we want a working health care system now. Instead of being the guy that “opposed Obamacare from the beginning,” be the guy that said “You know what? I didn’t agree in the beginning and I still have my doubts, but the people have made their choice. I am going to stop thinking about my next campaign talking points and instead try everything I can to make the ACA work because that’s what we need.”
That’s what needs to happen now. If we can accept that the ACA is coming, we can move on to the next step of becoming involved in its success. Right now, the ACA is a strictly “liberal” phenomenon. The Republicans are missing out on some fantastic opportunities. How great would it be if one of the Republicans were able to balance the ACA to meet the needs of the US?
As I have said before, the ACA is great in theory, even Republicans have admitted to it. The only way to prove a theory is to test it and to test under optimal circumstance. I want to encourage everyone to write your representatives and insist that they not only support the ACA, but also become involved in its implementation so that it will represent the health of all Americans.
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